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High School Survival
As mentioned else where on this site if you are in high school you know that the most important thing in the whole world is to fit in and be cool in high school. If you are not cool in high school you will never succeed in the world. Its a good thing I am here to help you. Just follow my tips and you will be the coolest thing since reality tv shows.

Step 1: Expensive Clothes
The key to being cool in high school is clothes. The more expensive they are, the better. Expensive clothes say "I am better than you." Never under in any circumstance should you wear clothes that cost under 200 dollars. Doing so will be your downfall, it will be better to go to school naked than in clothes that cost less than 200 dollars.

Step 2: MTV
MTV is your place for everything cool. Your tv should always be on MTV. Make sure you watch every show they have to offer so you can talk about how cool it was with your "friends."

Step 3: Follow the Crowd
Always make sure you do everything the crowd does, even if you do not like it. The crowd is always right. Never try to be an individual or go against the crowd, you will only be scoffed at. If the popular majority doesn't do it, you shouldn't do it.

Step 4: Homework
Never do homework. People that do homework are most likely nerds, and not cool. Some people think High School is to prepare you for college, which just is not true. High School is all about being cool. Instead of doing homework, watch MTV.

That is all you have to do to be cool in High School. Be sure to tell your friends about this page so they can be cool too.